Home » Il Volo in Indianapolis

Il Volo in Indianapolis

Tonight IL VOLO gave us a magical performance and we couldn’t be more excited that they came to Indy to delight us with their voices.

Gianluca, Ignazio & Piero are the components of the amazing crossover classical- pop- lyrical IL VOLO, after winning a popular talent show back in 2010, they became THE sensation in Italy and most of Europe. In 2015 they won the Italian Festival San Remo that granted them the opportunity to participate in Eurovision’s Song Contest representing Italy and achieving 3rd place with their hit “Grande Amore” which now has its international versions in different languages.

“Last night we enjoyed this great event with amazing voices”

The concert was an incredible atmosphere held at Clowes Memorial Hall in Butler. We could define it in only 3 words: THE BEST VOICES. The group’s performance as well as the orchestra joining them was impeccable. POP-OPERA AT ITS FINEST!!!

Dani Harris

marketer | tennis lover 🎾| foodie

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